Foster Youth
Foster Youth
TUSD recognizes that foster youth are our most vulnerable students, and as such they may require additional interventions and supports to ensure success. Assembly Bill 490 (2003) created new rights and duties related to the education of dependents and wards in foster care.
Foster Youth Information
- Guiding Principles
- School Stability
- Local Public School Preferred
- Immediate Enrollment
- Timely Transfer of Records
- Grade and Credit Protections
- Sports and Activities
Guiding Principles
School Stability
Local Public School Preferred
Immediate Enrollment
Timely Transfer of Records
Grade and Credit Protections
Sports and Activities
TUSD Foster Youth Liaison
Gil Ogden
Student Services
1574 Canal Drive, Room WW-1
Turlock, CA 95380
P.O. Box 819013
Turlock, CA 95381-9013
(209) 667-00632 Ext. 2251
(209) 667-6441