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Bullying Prevention

Definition of Bullying

Bullying, a behavior that hurts, harms, or humiliates someone physically or emotionally, is a serious issue that impacts thousands of students every day. As damaging as bullying may be, there is hope! With education and awareness, bullying can be prevented at school, in neighborhoods, and online.

Reporting Bullying

If you think a student is being bullied:

  1. Report the bullying to any school employee either verbally or through the STOP!T App.
  2. Complaints of bullying will be investigated and resolved in accordance with the district's uniform complaint procedures specified in AR 1312.3.
  3. In order to better investigate an incident of bullying a parent or student may be asked to fill out this Bullying Incident Form.  Reports may also be submitted anonymously using the StopIt! App.
  4. When a student is reported to be engaging in bullying off-campus, we will investigate and document the activity and identify specific facts or circumstances that explain the impact or potential impact on school activity, school attendance, or the targeted student's educational performance.
  5. When the circumstances involve cyberbullying, individuals are encouraged to save and print any electronic or digital messages that they feel constitutes cyber-bullying and to report it to a teacher, school administrator so that the matter can be investigated.


Bullying Information

Anti Bullying Websites for Students

Anti-Bullying Websites for Parents