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Early Childhood Education

Head Start/Preschool

Wakefield Elementary School
410 South Avenue
Turlock, CA 95380

P.O. Box 819013
Turlock, CA 95381-9013

(209) 226-6400
(209) 668-8939


Early Childhood Education Programs

ECE Logo

Turlock Unified School District receives funding at the state and federal levels to offer several Child Development programs to children ages 3 to 5. Programs are located at four different elementary school campuses and serve over 400 children every year.

Our Head Start program is operated by the TUSD and is licensed by the California State Department of Social Services.  Head Start attends to the development of each child by building on individual strengths and targeting needs through individual goals and objectives. The Head Start Program understands the requirement of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), implements and makes reasonable accommodations for children with disabilities.  Morning and afternoon classes are offered to families that meet low-income requirements or that have special needs. This program encourages parents to volunteer in the classroom throughout the school year.

Children leave Head Start prepared for Kindergarten, excited about learning, confident in his/her own abilities and ready to succeed.

The California State Preschool program, which is available in three of the four schools participating, offers a three-hour per day program for children who can benefit from an individualized learning experience during the year before entering kindergarten. Educational child care services are provided for three to five-year-old children. Morning and afternoon classes are offered to families that meet low-to-moderate income requirements. This is a non-fee program that also relies heavily on parent participation throughout the year.