Aeries Family Link
It is important for ParentSquare communications from TUSD and your student's school for contact information to be accurate in Aeries. Please confirm your student's data and ensure that all contacts have the correct permissions for communication.
Aeries Family Link
Confirm Your Student's Data
We need your help! Please complete the Turlock Unified School District Data Confirmation process for the 2023-24 School year. By confirming your student’s information via TUSD Family Link you will help us update the following important information:
- Family Contact Information
- Emergency Contacts
- Medical Information
- Review Policies and Provide Authorizations
- Update any changes from last year
Step 1:
To begin, go to the TUSD Family Link using your phone or computer (you may login using the webpage or download the App to your phone):
If you need support with your login please call your school office.
Step 2:
Once you login to Family Link, click on Student Info.
Step 3:
Next, click on Data Confirmation.
Step 4:
Next, please update information for each of the categories (i.e., Family Information, Income, Student, Contacts, etc.)
An informational video describing each tab in the data confirmation process can be found HERE:
Thank you for your support!
Marie Russell
Director of Communications, Family Engagement and Outreach
Aeries Information for Parents
How does a parent create a new account?
The process for creating a new account is as simple as providing your email address to your school office. Once you have provided your email account, you will receive an email from TUSD with the logon and password information for you to logon and start accessing TUSD Family Link Parent Portal.
What is the TUSD Family Link Parent Portal?
The TUSD Family Link Parent Portal is a connection to your students’ academic information, including class schedules, weekly assignments, grades, Student Score Reports, and much more. It is an excellent communication tool between our parents and our schools.
Data Confirmation – during the spring and fall, we open windows to allow parents to review and update the current student data we have on file and to approve annual authorizations. By using this program for this purpose, it reduces the amount of paper parents must complete at the beginning of the school year.If you have an new address, telephone number, emergency contact or a new medical condition, all of those changes and information can be submitted to the school through Data Confirmation.
Student Score Reports – parents can download a copy of their students “Student Score Reports” for yearly state testing for SBAC and ELPAC assessments.
If I do not have an email account, where can I get one?
Both Google Gmail and Yahoo mail offer free email accounts with limited storage. Please go to one of those websites and follow the instructions for creating a new account. -
Does my student need an account?
Students will be given access with to a student account using their school email account ( This is a good way for students to monitor their own assignments and grades.