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Sexual Harrassment

Sexual Harassment - Personnel

The Board of Trustees prohibits sexual harassment of district employees and job applicants. The Board also prohibits retaliatory behavior or action against district employees or other persons who complain, testify or otherwise participate in the complaint process established pursuant to this policy and administrative regulation.

Sexual Harassment - Students

The Board of Trustees is committed to maintaining a safe school environment that is free from harassment and discrimination. The Board prohibits sexual harassment of students at school or at school-sponsored or school-related activities. The Board also prohibits retaliatory behavior or action against any person who reports, files a complaint or testifies about, or otherwise supports a complainant in alleging sexual harassment.

The district strongly encourages any student who feels that he/she is being or has been sexually harassed on school grounds or at a school-sponsored or school-related activity by another student or an adult to immediately contact his/her teacher, the principal, or any other available school employee. Any employee who receives a report or observes an incident of sexual harassment shall notify the principal or a district compliance officer.

Contact Us

District Compliance Officer and Title IX Coordinator for Employee Affairs
Fernando Ureno, Assistant Superintendent Human Resources
1574 Canal Drive
Turlock, CA 95380
(209) 667-032 Ext. 2107
(209) 664-1157 Fax

District Compliance Officer and Title IX Coordinator for Student Affairs and Section 504/ADA Coordinator
Gil Ogden, Director of Student Services
1574 Canal Drive, Room WW-1
Turlock, CA 95380
(209) 667-032 Ext. 2251
(209) 667-6441 Fax

Board Policy