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Educational Programs

TK-8 Two-Way Dual Immersion Program

Immersion is defined as a method of foreign language instruction in which the regular school curriculum is taught through the medium of the language.  That is, the foreign language is the vehicle for content instruction; it is not the subject of instruction itself.

In the Osborn Two-Way Dual Immersion Academy and Wakefield Elementary programs, Spanish is used as the language of instruction throughout the elementary school years.  English is introduced gradually into the curriculum.

Parents select a two-way dual immersion program to challenge and stimulate their child’s cognitive, social and linguistic development.  Two-way dual immersion education can provide children with unique linguistic and cultural advantage in today’s world.

Immersion Visitation Days  - 9:00 a.m. 1st Tuesday of every school month.

For additional information on the TK-8 Two Way Dual Immersion programs, please visit one of the following school websites:

Osborn Two-Way Immersion Academy
Wakefield Elementary
Dutcher Middle School

Gifted and Talented Education

Turlock Unified School District offers a Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) program for students who qualify based on the Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test-Second Edition (NNAT2) assessment.  The NNAT2 measures reasoning and problem solving ability using shapes and designs without reliance on language.

Annually in the fall, all third graders are assessed to determine GATE qualification.  If qualified, students are offered enrollment in self-contained classes at Cunningham Elementary School and Julien Elementary School where GATE instruction is taught throughout the school day by GATE certified teachers in fourth, fifth, and sixth grades.

Turlock’s GATE classes are dedicated to ensuring all students reach their full potential and highest achievements.

Our GATE program provides the following:

For more information about the GATE Program at Cunningham Elementary or Julien Elementary School please go to the school website or call the Office of EL's, Assessment and Special Programs at (209) 667-0632 Ext. 2203.

  • Novelty
  • Depth and Complexity of Knowledge
  • Acceleration
  • Academic rigor and support to enable gifted students to succeed with increasing levels of challenge
  • Intensively trained teachers
  • Peer groups with similar abilities and interests

Walnut Elementary Education Center

The Walnut Elementary Education Center has a specialized program in the Turlock Unified School District Renaissance and Discovery Magnet program to provide students with unique educational experiences.  The Renaissance Visual and Performing Arts Magnet uses the visual and performing arts to enrich curriculum, while the Discovery Math Science Magnet program expand instruction through the lens of Math and Science.  Students are selected to attend through a lottery system.

For more information on the programs offered the Walnut Elementary Education Center, please visit their website.