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Request for Bid Proposals

Notice Inviting Bid Proposals

the Purchase of Surplus Real Property Located at 
312 S. Roselawn Ave., Turlock, CA 95380

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Turlock Unified School District (hereinafter referred to as the “District”) will receive sealed Bid proposals hand delivered to 1574 E. Canal Drive, Office of Business Services, Room #212, Turlock, CA 95381, or mailed to the Office of Business Services, PO Box 819013, Turlock, CA 95381 by October 5, 2022, before 2:00 PM on the clock designated by the District or its representatives as the Bid proposal clock, at which time Bid proposals will be opened in Room #212. No Bid proposals will be accepted by the District after this time. Facsimile (FAX) copies and email copies of a Bid proposal will not be accepted. The Bid proposals shall be for purchasing as a whole Stanislaus County Assessor Parcel Number (APN) 024-045-012 located at 312 S. Roselawn Avenue, Turlock, California (hereinafter referred to as the “Property”).

No Bid proposal will be accepted unless it is made upon a Bid proposal form furnished by the District. The envelope enclosing the Bid proposal shall have stated thereon: “Bid Proposal for the purchase of Real Property at 312 S. Roselawn Ave.” The Bid form may be obtained at the office of the Business Services at the address set forth above, by calling (209) 667-0632 ext. 2302, or on the Turlock Unified School District’s website under the Business Services Department. The all cash sale will be awarded to the highest responsible Bidder for the Property equal to, or more than, One Million, One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1,100,000).  The District reserves the right to reject any and all Bid proposals.

Bid and Purchase Documents

Bid Form

All bid proposals must be submitted on the official Bid to Purchase District Property form.  All bids (verbal or in writing) not submitted on the Bid to Purcahase District Property form will be rejected.  

Draft Real Property Purchase and Sales Agreement

February 2020 Appraisal of the property

The District had the property appraised in February, 2020.  The results full report is attached.  

Compliance Order No. DER-17CO-003 For Uranium MCL Failure

The well on this property was installed in June of 1975 and, under it's previous use, was classified as a nontransient-noncommunity water system that served students, employees, and visitors to the high school. As per the attached notice, each community and nontransient-noncommunity water system shall comply with the primary MCL's in Table 64442 in the drinking water supplied to the public. As per the report, the maximum contaminant level for uranium is 20 pCi/L; the well at this property exceeded the MCL with a running annual average of 29 pCi/L.   

Test Well Engineering Report

The District engaged with Black Water Consulting Engineering, Inc. to drill and analyze two test wells for potential replacement of the original well.  The attached report shows potential locations for a new well on the property that would meet water quality standards. 

The District has many other documents related to the well and water issues at the site that can be made available upon request.  

Bids Due

Wednesday October 5, 2022
2:00 PM

Hand delivered:
1574 E. Canal Drive
Office of Business Services, Room #212
Turlock, CA 95381,

By Mail:
Office of Business Services
PO Box 819013
Turlock, CA 95381

For More Ino

Bryan Tribble
Tribble Real Estate
Turlock, CA 95382

Cell 209-765-1075

DRE# 01219771

Submit Proposal

Hand Deliver:
Turlock Unified School District
Business Services Room #212
1574 E. Canal Drive
Turlock, CA 95380  

Turlock Unified School District
Attn: Business Services
PO Box 819013
Turlock, CA 95381-9013

Formal Q & A