Board Governance Covenants and Expectations
Governance Covenants
- Create opportunities for high-quality education for every scholar.
- Represent the entire community without bias or favor.
- Respect the decisions of a majority of the Board and represent the Board responsibly in all Board-related matters with proper decorum and respect for others.
- Recognize the Board functions only as a Board through duly-adopted policies and actions approved at public meetings.
- Confine Board functions to policymaking, planning and evaluation and recognize the Superintendent, not the Board, as the responsible individual for the day-to-day administration of the District.
- Respect the Board and the public meeting process by being prepared for each meeting, arriving promptly, and being prepared to work with fellow Board Members in the spirit of cooperation at each meeting.
- Commit to being a lifelong learner through continued education in our role as a Board Member.
- Highlight scholar, staff, and program accomplishments with multiple media channels.
Governance Expectations
We agree to . . .
Prioritize student achievement and well-being within all discussions and Board meeting agendas.
Be on time, focused and prepared for our meetings, attempting to clarify questions with staff in advance.
Actively listen to each other and those presenting at meetings, and encourage full participation in discussions and decisions.
Recognize and appreciate the professional judgment of our staff and their commitment to our students, our schools and our programs.
Communicate openly, with integrity and respect.
Put aside personal and political preferences in our deliberations, focusing on student needs and priori t ies above all else.
Maintain confidentiality of closed session discussions and adhere to all Brown Act guidelines.
Acknowledge only the majority of the Board has authority to provide direction to District leadership
Provide accountability, collaborative leadership, support and encouragement to District leadership.